Last night we had an iceberg that didn't show up on the radar. I was asleep already, but apparently it was about 100 feet long and we came very close to it without noticing. The rest of the night we slowed down to watch for more icebergs. The Palmer may be an icebreaker, but it probably wouldn't fare so well against an iceberg. (Rumor has it there's a dent in the front from when the first captain tried it.) All these icebergs are probably breaking off of something bigger that somehow made it pretty far north, but I doubt we'll see it.
We're also heading into rougher weather. The isobar map shows a big low pressure spot in the middle of our path, which is apparently bad. I woke up twice last night because of big rolls. R.G. and C.H. said that the homemade "Roll-o-meter" showed about 25 degrees of roll. We might get into 30 foot high waves later on in the trip. I'm looking forward to it, but it'll be bad for the data.
(originally posted on Livejournal)
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